Sunday, November 4, 2007

STV Fishing Saga

I am not a very patient person, so I have never, despite playing WoW for more than two years, fully explored the fishing profession.

Until today, when I decided to make time to go to STV at gametime 2pm (Oceanic server, so its about 11am SGT). Prior to today, I read up on the Fishing contest and what are the rewards for being the first to submit 40 Speckled tastyfish.

When I realised that the minimum fishing skill required in Outlands is way over 300, and to guarantee a catch you have to have a skill of 500+, I was motivated to try to win the prize, the best fishing rod in the game.

And since great minds think alike, Horde and Alliance likewise, I found myself in quite a bit of PVP battles along the Savage Coast.

Trust me, it is no fun at all to be caught in the midst of this all when your best weapon on hand is a fishing rod =/

When I took the trouble to scout out the coast, placed my hearthstone in Booty Bay, trained my skill so that I would have guaranteed catches in STV, the last thing that I want is having to corpse run N times because the allys (meaning the Alliance, the enemy) are eyeing the same pools of fish too. And worst still, they have bodyguards. A level 65 was fishing and a level 70 mage helping her to clear the horde (e.g. me). Imagine fishing halfway and got polymorphed. (And I was here first...) What's a single poor warlock holding a darn fishing rod to do but to try and die in the most graceful way?


Anyway, the winner was an Alliance, and he won 25 mins later after the contest started. I was only having 16 fishes then. He had 40.


Think I will try another tactic next Sunday. Go further south, and try my luck. But again, I might just go back to Outlands, train myself to 70 first and then come back.

This post was written when Oyssria was still not 70 yet. However, things remain the same even after she became 70. STV, you are such a hateful place! /spit